List of Group Appointments on 25 February

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List of Group Appointments on 25 February

Release date:2019-03-18 : Click:

On February 25, Wang Qinggang, the new Vice President of the Group, took office. After his appointment, Wang Qinggang will be mainly responsible for the planning, operation and project management of the Group.

On February 25, Group President Wang Yong, Vice President Li Weicheng, Yang Xiaohui, Wang Qinggang and Gejina received the visiting Chairman Xie Yunyu of Gehou Yuntu Science and Technology Company, and listened to the introduction of Gehou Yuntu Xie Yunyu's chairman on the work of the project management information system with the relevant personnel. At the same time, he carried out extensive work. Communication.

This article URL:/en/news/372.html

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