Report of Tangshan Municipal Consultative Conference

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Report of Tangshan Municipal Consultative Conference

Release date:2019-08-19 : Click:

On January 23, 2019, the Twelfth Session of the Tangshan Municipal Consultative Conference was solemnly opened. Bai Chunming was entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Twelfth Committee of Tangshan Municipal Consultative Conference to report to the General Assembly on his work.

Review of Work in 2018


2018 is the beginning of the implementation of the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, and the year in which our city has accelerated the pace of "three efforts to build", achieved the goal of "two first" and achieved remarkable results in promoting high-quality development.

In the past year, under the strong leadership of the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, has always spoken clearly of politics, adhered to the Party's leadership of the CPPCC work, and ensured that the cause of the CPPCC in Tangshan has been steadily advancing in the correct political direction.

In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Committee of the People's Republic of China, we adhere to the people-centered development idea, focus on the central work of the Party Committee, focus on the hot and difficult points of the people's livelihood, conscientiously perform the functions of political consultation, democratic supervision and participation in politics, and cultivate a realistic and pragmatic society. Work style, unite and lead the participating units of CPPCC, members of CPPCC and people from all walks of life, make a good voice of the times, promote the positive energy of society, and strive to be active practitioners.

The CPPCC has made innovations, highlights and breakthroughs in its work, contributing to the wisdom and strength of the CPPCC in promoting the high-quality development of the city's economy and society.

First, we should always strengthen our ideology, strengthen our political determination and strengthen our common ideological and political foundation for unity and struggle.

In the whole year, 41 people participated in the special training of CPPCC and CPPCC, 19 special reports and 9 training sessions were organized, and more than 3000 CPPCC members and organ cadres participated in the training, thus achieving full coverage of the CPPCC system.

We will unswervingly place the work of the CPC Municipal Consultative Conference under the firm leadership of the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. We will promptly ask for important matters, report on them and reflect important situations. We will focus on the decision-making of the Municipal Committee and deploy people-gathering, advisory staff and voice-building to transform the Party's ideas and policy proposals into the thoughts of all parties, groups, members and all sectors of society. Think of consensus and conscious action.

Second, we should always focus on the central task, thoroughly consult and deliberate on government affairs, and promote more fruitful results of the "Three Efforts to Build".

Organize regular consultation twice, Standing Committee consultation twice, special committee consultation 5 times, form more than 700 research results of various types, get the approval of the main leaders of Municipal Committee and municipal government 15 times.

To organize provincial, municipal and county CPPCC members to conduct in-depth inspections and investigations around the "ten tasks" of the whole city, and to conduct 34 symposiums and put forward more than 1,000 opinions and suggestions in 18 counties (cities, districts) and development zones directly under the municipal government.

A total of 586 proposals were received, 575 were filed, the filing rate was 98%, and the satisfaction rate of members was 99.82%. Ten proposals have been identified around the hot issues concerned by the masses, directly and realistically, and implemented under the supervision of members of the leading group. The practice of "promoting high-quality development with high-quality proposals" has been approved by the main leaders of the Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government.

The proposal Committee of the CPPCC was awarded "Advanced Unit of Proposal Work in Hebei Province in 2018" by the CPPCC of Hebei Province.

To issue the Initiative to Promote the High Quality Development of Caofeidian, mobilize the CPPCC organizations at all levels and members of the CPPCC to actively participate in the development and construction of Caofeidian, and contribute to the construction of "one port, two cities".

Thirdly, we should always adhere to our duty for the people, pay attention to the improvement of people's livelihood, and promote the reform and development achievements to benefit the people of the whole city.

The Standing Committee consultation on the theme of "Implementing the strategy of Rural Revitalization and promoting the"toilet revolution"in Tangshan was organized. Successful experience of rural toilet improvement was summarized in depth. Many good suggestions were put forward on how to improve toilets scientifically and how to strengthen financial security.

The CPPCC Committee members have been issued an initiative to actively participate in poverty alleviation, organizing and mobilizing all party groups and members from all walks of life to actively participate in public welfare activities such as "going to the countryside three times", donating financial aid to schools, and helping the needy.

We insisted on listening to the people at the grass-roots level, understanding the people's situation and feedback public opinion. The social and public opinion information of Establishing Family Outdated Drug Recycling Mechanism was published by People's Daily.

Tangshan Municipal Consultative Conference has been listed as the information contact point of the national social and public opinion work by the CPPCC, which has opened a "through train" for reporting directly the social and public opinion and work results of our city to the Party Central Committee and the state level.

Fourthly, we should always adhere to cohesion, extensive contacts and friendship, and a stronger atmosphere of great unity and unity.

To organize training courses on ethnic and religious policies, to give special guidance on the new spirit of national and religious work of the Central Committee and the Regulations on Religious Affairs, and to organize special inspections on the management of the five major religious sites in the city.

Experts are invited to hold a report on the situation in Taiwan, and the central government's policy toward Taiwan has become more popular.

Extensive exchanges and exchanges with Shandong, Chongqing and other CPPCC on the establishment of long-term mechanism for pollution prevention and control, the development of agricultural industrialization and other topics, and actively participate in the "one belt" CPPCC cooperation alliance, Beijing Tianjin Hebei Collaborative Development Forum meeting, actively promoting Tangshan and promoting Tangshan.

Special consultation on the theme of "Strengthening the protection and utilization of cultural relics, enriching the cultural heritage of the city and expanding the influence of the city" was carried out, and actively participated in a series of activities to commemorate the 140th anniversary of the opening of Tangshan port. Special films such as "Yanshan Luanshui Casts the Soul of Ying", edited and published "Anti-Japanese Riot in Eastern Hebei" and the first systematic summary of the Tangshan calendar were made. The History of Tangshan City Development in the Context of History Development.

Fifthly, we should always adhere to the principle of strengthening the foundation of the CPPCC, strengthen self-construction, and achieve a more solid foundation for the CPPCC cause to be stable and far-reaching.

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